How much currency you need to go on vacation to Bali, Indonesia

Bali is one of the most beautiful places to visit in the world. The island's beauty is captivating, filled with natural scenic views, endless beaches, and waterfalls. The best time to visit Bali is when the weather is warm and dry during the Spring. If you're thinking of visiting Bali this year and need help figuring out how much currency you need for your trip, we've got you covered.
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How much is a cab ride in Bali in US dollars?
In our how much currency to bring abroad chart below, you'll see a 10-mile cab ride is on average about $6.39 USD in Bali, Indonesia. Having this information handy should give you a good idea of how much you would need to get around the city. Another option for getting around is by motorbike as they are the primary mode of transportation. You can rent these along the island to help you get around faster.
What is the average cost of dinner for two in Bali?
In Indonesia, you can try many new dishes that are sure to satisfy you. We recommend the restaurant Kaum, where large dishes of fresh food are the specialty! Kaum means "tribe" in Indonesian, this restaurant has a great ambiance that showcases Indoesia's heritage with great flavorful dishes.
As shown in our how much currency to bring abroad chart above, it costs on average $3.20 USD for a budget dinner for two and $3.20 USD for a pint of beer.
Currency: Indonesian rupiah (IDR)
The Indonesian rupiah has denominations of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, and 100,000. These notes use invisible ink that can only be seen with UV light, among other measures that prevent counterfeiting. Learn more about the Indonesian rupiah.
If you have leftover IDR after your trip to Indonesia, CXI will buy them back from you. If you originally received this foreign currency from CXI, then with the currency receipt we do not have any exchange fee to buy it back! Order your Indonesian rupiah now.
What is the cheapest month to book a flight to Bali?
Roundtrip tickets to Bali, Indonesia typically range from about $931 USD to about $1,213 USD, depending on where you leave from, the airline you fly with, and when you are taking your trip, according to Cheap Flights.
April is the best month to fly to Indonesia, in order to get cheaper flight prices. In our 20 Destinations Where You Will Get the Most Value for US Dollar, you can find the best days of the week and the best time of year to book flights for your trips to other countries!
Don't forget before you book that flight, check out everything you need to know about the five trusted travelers programs in our video below.
How much does it cost to stay in Bali?
Instead of staying in expensive hotels, you should consider trying something a little different to experience the city like a local. Take a look at some of the best-rated super host places to stay in Bali, Indonesia from Airbnb. The average nightly price is $132.
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Currency Exchange International (CXI) is a leading provider of foreign currency exchange services in North America for financial institutions, corporations, and travelers. Products and services for international travelers include access to buy and sell more than 80 foreign currencies, gold bullion coins and bars. For financial institutions, our services include the exchange of foreign currencies, international wire transfers, purchase and sale of foreign bank drafts, international traveler’s cheques, and foreign cheque clearing through the use of CXI’s innovative CEIFX web-based FX software