How much currency you need to go on vacation to Barcelona, Spain

Planning your trip to Barcelona? Know how much currency you need to make sure you have a great trip! Don't forget to check out our guide for your stay in London, too.
In our how much currency to bring abroad chart below, you'll see a 10-mile cab ride is on average about $23.82 USD in Barcelona, Spain. Having this information on hand will give you a good idea of how much you would need to get around the city.
In Spain, you're sure to eat some delicious cuisine. We recommend the restaurant Bodega Biarritz, where you can enjoy delicious and authentic Spanish dishes. As shown in our how much currency to bring abroad chart above, it costs on average $27.80 USD for a budget dinner for two and $2.98 USD for a pint of beer.
Currency: The Euro (EUR)
The euro banknote has seven different denominations: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200, and €500. If you haven’t brushed up on your European history recently, you may be surprised to find that Spain has utilized the euro as its main currency since 2002, after officially joining the European Union.
Don't forget to add CXI's Currency Price Protection with your euros - available at our CXI City Center locations. If you have leftover euros after your trip to Barcelona, CXI will buy protected currencies back from you at our ultimate buy-back rate plus no exchange fee! Order your European Union euros now.
Roundtrip tickets to Barcelona, Spain for two typically range from about $1,232 USD to about $2,702 USD, depending on where you leave from, the airline you fly with, and when you are taking your trip, according to Expedia. January through April appear as the best months to fly to Barcelona in order to get cheaper flight prices, according to There you can find the best days of the week and the best time of year to book flights for your trips to other countries! Don't forget before you book that flight, check out everything you need to know about the five trusted travelers programs in our video below.
Vacation rentals
Hotels in Barcelona, while lavish, can be extremely expensive. In order to get the best bang for your…euro, you should consider trying something a little different to experience the city like a local. Take a look at some of the best-rated super host places to stay in Barcelona, Spain from Airbnb.
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